About Us

University Congregational United Church of Christ (UCUCC) offers a Youth Ministry program for grades 6-12. We believe that every youth should have a place where they know they belong! UCUCC walks with the youth on their faith journey through discussion, experiential learning activities, creative expression, mentoring relationships and prayer. Through leadership development, UCUCC seeks to empower the youth to minister to one another through leading activities and discussion with their peers. UCUCC is an open and affirming community and we welcome ALL youth and their families!

Sunday Morning Youth Group:
Youth Group 9 a.m.-10 a.m. Pilgrim Room & Room 104 :
Youth Group meets Sunday mornings from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. High school youth (grades 9-12) meet in the Pilgrim Room and Middle school youth (grades 6-8) meet across the hall in room 104. Youth Group is a time for youth to share the joys and concerns of their lives and reflect on how faith lives in everyday life. Each group has a team of youth ministers committed to walking a faith journey with the youth.

Worship 10 a.m.-11:15 a.m. Youth Pew : After Youth Group the youth head upstairs to Worship. Youth are invited to sit in the Youth Pew with their peers, sit with their families, or to help in preschool or elementary programming.

Service Opportunities:
Teen Feed: youth and families are invited to come together to prepare, cook and serve a meal to homeless teens and young adults every 5th Wednesday of a month. It’s an important ministry and a wonderful service opportunity for the whole family.

Mission Trips:  We offer mission trips in the summer – one for Middle School and one for High School. We aim to serve others with the understanding that we are called to serve to better our whole world. Our service is not about taking God to others, but experiencing God in the work we do and the people we meet!

Other Service: Along with Teen Feed & Mission Trips we offer other service projects throughout the year. Watch for info in the weekly youth ministry program emails.

Fellowship Nights:
Outside of our Sunday morning youth group we offer fellowship nights a few times throughout the year. These are usually themed to the season and include dinner and activities or games. It’s a wonderful way for us to simply play and laugh together.

Director of Youth Ministries:
Margaret (Irribarra) Swanson
has been on staff at University Congregational UCC for over 10 years. She works with the Pastors, Youth Ministry Board and volunteer Youth Leaders to create continued opportunities for youth to explore their faith, to serve others and to be reminded that they are beloved children of God. Margaret is passionate about creating opportunities for youth to share openly, to empower each other, and to support one another through their middle and high school years on their faith journey. Margaret would be happy to talk to you about the program! Please feel free to contact her at 206-524-2322 x3315 or mswanson@ucucc.org